PSY5092 - Dialogues, Debates and Diversity in Psychology


On successful completion of the module students will be able to:

(1) demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of both classic and current research in Individual Differences;
(2) demonstrate knowledge and understanding of conceptual and historical issues in Psychology;
(3) assess the strengths and weaknesses of various methodological and theoretical approaches within the above areas of psychology;
(4) demonstrate a critical awareness of issues in the above areas.


(1) Issues and Perspectives: This element will foster a critical view of different paradigms and assumptions in psychology (both historical and current). Students will critically examine the way in which different psychological approaches, using different theoretical perspectives and methods of inquiry, have investigated topics covered elsewhere in the Level Two core. Critical psychology: Analysis of the nature, orientation and function of mainstream psychology, focusing on current issues and past and present tensions within the discipline.

(2) Individual Differences: This element will foster a broad and critical understanding of individual diversity, its implications, and influcence on human behaviour, experience and mental health. The origin and development of modern psychometric approaches and the theory underpinning psychological measurement. The nature-nurture controversy. Typical and atypical personality, motivation, emotion and intelligence.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Lectures (inc tutorial discussions, directed reading, audio-visual material)
Contact hours 20
Number of groups 1

Contact hours 6
Number of groups 8

Contact hours 14
Number of groups 8


001 Seminar Report 2000 words (end of Sem 1) 50%
002 Essay 2000 words (end of sem 2) 50%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ms J Cornell
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 5YL