PED6312 - History, Art and Music


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Develop a critical understanding of the underlying values and principles relevant to education studies and a developing personal stance which draws on their knowledge and understanding.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the complexity of the interaction between learning and contexts, and the range of ways in which participants (including learners and teachers) can influence the learning process.
Select a range of relevant primary and secondary sources, including theoretical and research-based evidence, to extend their knowledge and understanding.
Demonstrate the ability to use their knowledge and understanding critically to locate and justify a personal position in relation to the subject.
Demonstrate organisation and articulate opinions and arguments in speech and writing using relevant specialist vocabulary.


To have knowledge and understanding of pedagogical approaches and methods in the teaching of History, Art and Music.
To debate current issues with regard to the teaching of History, Art and Music in the Primary School.
To explore, interrogate and critically evaluate a range of research journal articles in relation to the teaching of History and Music in the Primary School.

The nature of Music. Music as part of the Primary Curriculum. The value and benefits related to the teaching of Music. Exploration and evaluation of current initiatives associated with the teaching of Music.

The nature of history and how this relates to the teaching of pupils in the later years of the primary curriculum. Pedagogy for teaching history including an evaluation of the use of artefacts, stories, visual sources, oral, etc. Some reference will be made to the use of role play, local fieldwork, museum visits, archaeology etc. Links will be made to other curriculum areas where relevant and to the use of ICT in teaching history. The inclusive nature of history teaching will be promoted throughout.

The nature of Art. Art as part of the primary curriculum. The value and benefits related to the teaching of Art. Exploration and evaluation of current initiatives associated with the teaching of Art.

This module will address the following from the Teachers’ Standards effective from 1st September, 2012:
Promoting good progress and outcomes by pupils
2 Promote good pupil progress and outcomes by pupils
3 Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge
4 Plan and teach well structured lessons
6 Making productive use of assessment

Learning and Teaching Information:

Lectures and Workshop Groups
Contact hours: 48
Intended group size: Up to 40

Guided independent study
Hours: 152


001 Reflective practice assignment 4000 words end of semester 2 100%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Mrs Jenny Stuart-Collins
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6S2Q