MFC4012 - Professional Development and Placement - Media, Film & Culture 1


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Develop self-confidence and take responsibility for themselves and their actions in differing professional environments.
Undertake a personal strength audit and prepare an action plan in response to it.
Apply knowledge and skills in the workplace to a satisfactory standard.
Analyze the aims, structure and activities of a specific organization and demonstrate how their personal strengths relate to their professional experience.
Work within a team effectively in a variety of roles and for a variety of projects.


1. A professional development programme of weekly sessions, with special reference to the Media sectors. The programme will comprise
- assembly and updating of CV and other professional documentation;
- career entry, sector and job analysis, function and roles of Sector Skills Councils and other professional bodies;
- Personal Strength audit and related tasks
- briefing on EPO procedures and arranging placements
- Team/Group work and development
- introduction to corporate communications and administration
- introduction to profiling and self-understanding.
Introduction to Digital literacy
Introduction to professional behaviour in the work place

2. Placement with suitable organization(s), normally six weeks in total

3. Reflection on and evaluation of placement.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Preparatory activities:
- lectures, workshops (including discussion groups and role plays);
- interview with Placement Tutor.

Placement in organisation or other structured professional experience.

The scheme below assumes recruitment of 100.

Hours: 14x2h = 28
Intended Group size: 100

Online Tutorials
Hours: 10 x 10 = 20

Individual Consultancy
Hours: 2

Guided independent study

Further details relating to assessment
Students undertaking this module will be required to carry out weekly seminar tasks designed to develop their professional and personal skills. Students must submit a minimum of 12 out of 14 tasks in order to be eligible for resit in this module. Students will be required to produce the tasks in class to set deadlines and compliance with this will be recorded. They will also be required to submit the portfolio of tasks to Moodle at a deadline given by tutors.

A full briefing on these tasks will be given out at the start of the academic year. The team production would normally involve students being split into small groups produce an artefact, with individuals taking different roles in the production exercise.

The practical element is normally of 6 weeks duration and may comprise an external placement or other structured professional experience which meets the learning objectives of the module and involves an equivalent workload. In either case the placement will be the subject of explicit agreement between the student, supervisor, module co-ordinator and EPO.


001 Group presentation 10 mins end of semester 1 50%
002 Team Production: Peer Assessment 500 words max semester 2 25%
003 Placement Report 1500 words semester 2 25%
004 Placement equivalend to 6 weeks Pass/Fail semester 2 0%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Mr Elric Williams
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4YL