FDA4002 - Developing Learning Skills for Professional Practice


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
express an understanding of the importance of skills development for professional practice;
participate in collaborative groups to share emerging understandings of the application of theory into practice;
appraise their current skills level, including IT skills status, and outline meaningful skills development plans;
illustrate the value of work-based learning and be in a position to take advantage of the work-based learning environment;
use reflective, analytical and evaluative processes to deduce their own position and relate this ethically to their work setting.


This module acts as an introductory module to the Foundation Degrees in order to develop within students a broad and deep understanding of the personal, professional and academic skills required for progressive participation in their work situation and in the Foundation Degree programme. It will include a basic introduction to library systems and services, to academic referencing conventions and standard writing structures and to a framework for critical peer support.
Students will analyse and evaluate their own skill status, including that relating to supporting children and families, and develop an action plan that sets out personal skill development targets for completion during the two-year programme. They will be supported in order to set out an initial report on these, that adheres to formal academic conventions and formal structure.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Learning and teaching will include a range of methods such as lectures, seminars, e-working, workshops and tutorials, with emphasis on team experience and peer support, large and small group discussions, problem-solving activities and individual and paired working.
Students may be expected to draw on a range of theoretical/academic, personal and work-based resources. Course documentation, support materials and web-based materials will be available on the VLE as appropriate.
Study skills will be developed. During the course of each session there will be opportunities for tutor/student interaction to meet individual needs and help develop skills, confidence, competence, knowledge and understanding relating to the aims and objectives of the module.
Students will maintain their Personal Development Log during this module and on-going self-evaluation will be part of the students’ identification of needs.
Lectures, seminars, learning activities, workshops and tutorials, e-engagement e.g. e-fora, VLE activities
Hours: 25
Intended Group size: Cohort

Flexibly delivered assessment support/e-support including tutorials
Hours: 5
Intended group size: 6-10

Work-based tasks
Hours: 25
Intended Group size: 1

Guided independent study
Hours: 145

Further details relating to assessment
Submission deadlines are published in the Module Handbook.
The outcome for this module will be returned as pass/fail.
Informal numerical marks will be recorded intra-departmentally for reference in cases of condonement and provided to the student as formative feedback.


001 Portfolio 1 x4,000-word equivalent Pass/ Fail First week of following module 100%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ms Louise Priestley
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4FD1