Education and Theology (Subject to Approval) - EDTHESH

Level 4

SEA4002 : Introduction to Education - Core
CYP4312 : Professional Skills - Core
CYP4302 : Professional Development and Placement - Core
TRS4502 : An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible - Core
TRS4102 : Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion - Core
TRS4402 : Theology in Contexts: Church History - Core

Level 5

CYP5252 : Professional Skills for Teaching 2 - Core
CYP5262 : Professional Development and Placement 2 - Core
CYP5272 : Research Methodology & Proposal - Core
TRS5502 : Reading the New Testament - Core
TRS5312 : Christology - Core
CYP5002 : Education Policy - Option
CYP5192 : Education, Inequality and Social Justice - Option
TRS5912 : Sociology and Anthropology of Religion - Option
TRS5412 : Modern Philosophy: Mind, Self and World - Option

Level 6

TRS6312 : The Christian Understanding of God - Core
CYP6424 : Negotiated Study / Research Project / Dissertation - Core
TRS6442 : Biblical Themes: Covenant and Prophecy - Core
CYP6432 : Professional Development / Placement 3 - Option
CYP6442 : Volunteering - Option
CYP6142 : SEN and Disability - Option
CYP6132 : From Martinet to Mentor? Change and Continuity in the Roles of Educators - Option
HUM6012 : The Roots of Ideas: The Foundations of Western Thought - Option
CYP6182 : Overschooled and Undereducated? Alternative Education Practices - Option

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