PED4232 - PE, Geography, Music and Art [Early Years 3-7]


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1 Begin to demonstrate a critical understanding of: the underlying values and principles relevant to education studies and a developing personal stance which draws on their knowledge and understanding.
2 Begin to identify and reflect on potential connections and discontinuities between each of the aspects of subject knowledge and their application in educational policies and contexts.
3 Being to demonstrate the ability to use their knowledge and understanding critically to locate and justify a personal position in relation to the subject.
4 Begin to demonstrate the ability to collaborate and plan as part of a team, to carry out roles allocated by the team and take the lead where appropriate, and to fulfil agreed responsibilities.


Begin to have knowledge and understanding of pedagogical approaches and methods in the teaching of PE, RE, Geography and Art.
Begin to understand the key principles in teaching PE, RE, Geography and Art.
Have an overview of current issues with regard to PE, RE Geography and Art.
The nature of PE, stages of movement and growth, health and bodily awareness and using equipment, teaching methods and resources, lesson and unit planning, monitoring and recording pupil performance, safety implications for all aspects of study covered.

This module will address the following Teaching Standards for 2012:
3. A teacher must demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge;
4. plan and teach well structured lessons; 6. make accurate and productive use of assessment.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Sessions will be taught in practical workshop groups.

Lectures, workshop groups, tutorials.
Contact hours: 60


001 PE: Portfolio of activities plus rationalle 1 x 2500 words equiv (end of course) 25%
002 Geography coursework 1 x 1250 word equiv. (end of course) 25%
003 Music: coursework 1 x 1250 word equiv. (end of course) 25%
004 Art: Coursework 1 x 1250 word equiv. (end of course) 25%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Mrs Jenny Stuart-Collins
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered -