JOU4942 - Media Matters: Law, Regulation and Context


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

(1) Demonstrate a basic understanding of the marketplace in which the media operates;
(2) Demonstrate an understanding of the basic regulatory frameworks within which the media operate
(3) Demonstrate an understanding of the legal framework within which journalists must operate, specifically in relation to court reporting
(4) Apply media law to relevant practical journalism scenarios, particularly in relation to court reporting


This module provides background understanding of the media marketplace, regulation and law, specifically in relation to reporting the courts. Background context will be set with a brief look at the business context in which the press and broadcasters work, broadening out to look at how media regulation works in terms of the Press Complaints Commission and Ofcom.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Lectures semester 1
Contact hours 10
Intended Group size: cohort

Seminars semester 1
Contact hours 10

Intended Group size: 25 max

Workshops semester 2
Contact hours 20
Intended group size: 25 msx

Guided independant Learning
160 hours

Additional Assessment information
Portfolio will normally include a court story sourced during a court visist plus a reflective report on the sorty and experience of being in court.


001 Moodle tests 2 x multiple choice papers (start of & during sem 2) 20%
002 Portfolio 1 x 500 word-equivalent (during sem 2) 20%
003 Seen paper 1 x 2 hours (end of sem 2) 60%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Lisa Bradley
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - YL