JOU4932 - Radio and Television Production


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

(1) demonstrate a basic competence in television news production
(2) demonstrate a basic competence in location sound recording and editing
(3) demonstrate a basic competence in scripting for the media
(4) evaluate their learning in a written format


This module is organized by semester.

(1). Radio Production will include the use of the portable digital audio recorder, principles of digital editing and recording exercises; interview techniques, asking the right questions, scripting, personal confidence, voice and body language; scripting and recording for radio using the radio studio.
(2). Television production will include the use of digital video equipment, editing, visual literacy, writing for visual news, and news production.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Workshops (based on 100 students)

Workshops 10 x 2 hour for TV
Contact hours 20
Number of groups 4 x 20

Workshops 10 x 3 hour for Radio
Contact hours 30
Number of groups 4 x 25
additional assessment information
Portfolio 1 will normally include a two to three minute radio interview agreed by the tutor, to be recorded face-to-face in an appropriate location. Interview to be topped and tailed, with basic editing to remove obvious interruptions/long pauses. It should be submitted with a presenter cue written appropriately for the ear and evaluative report on the interview.

Portfolio 2 will normally include an individually produced underlay (script with edited pictures) and upsound (script with edited pictures and edited interview clip) and an evlauative report evaluating a television news programme.


001 Portfolio 1 1x2000 word equiv. (during & end Sem 1) 50%
002 Portfolio 2 1x2000 word equiv. (during & end Sem 2) 50%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Katherine Blair
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - YL