FYP5002 - Becoming a Reflective Practitioner


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1 Reflect on their own practices and development across the programme to identify key improvements and areas for personal improvement
2 Evaluate key documentation and theory related to effective practice in their profession
3 Identify key outcomes desirable for the children, young people or adults with whom they work and how to achieve these.


This module provides the opportunity for students to reflect on the personal, professional and skills developments they have undergone across the programme. They would be expected to evaluate their profession, in terms of the theories, research and documentation related to good practice in the profession as well as success criteria for the clients and how to ensure these occur.

This module has some generic elements, however the student would be expected to manage their self evaluation and professional development planning, placed in the theoretical context.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Learning will be through a range of lectures, workshops and tutorials. Students will be expected to draw on a range of sources including their own working experiences. Group discussion and tasks will form a significant proportion of the College based learning to develop relevant analytical skills. Students will record their development within a Personal Development Log.

Lectures and Workshops
Contact hours 25

Contact hours 1

Work-based tasks
Contact hours 24


001 Skills portfolio 3000 word equiv. (sem 2) 70%
002 Skills Development review 1000 word equiv. (sem 2) 30%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Mr Alun Pelleschi
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - YL