CYP4102 - Professionalism


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1 Examine and analyse underlying concepts and principles associated with professional practice, from public policy, legislative and organisational perspectives;
2 Reflect on professional qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment, and study and participate in relevant experimental and problem-solving exercises related to these;
3 Identify ways individuals demonstrate professionalism within groups and how this contributes to team development and attainment, including reference to sets of national standards;
4 Begin to evaluate their own competence and personal value-base in contributing to professional contexts, demonstrating understanding of the limits of their skills in these contexts.


The consideration of the principles of professional behaviours and responsibilities will include theoretical and legal perspectives, including multi-agency working, social responsibility, health and safety, equality, effective communication, confidentiality, safeguarding, notions of graduateness and employability, ethical issues and academic/learning skills. It will also include any specific training workshops required to address relevant needs identified within the group.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module will be taught using a mixture of lectures, seminars workshops and tutorials, some of which will be student-led. Students could be expected to prepare for the sessions by reading set texts and completion of tasks set in class or via the VLE and will be expected to take part in a wide range of learning activities.
Students may be required to prepare and present brief presentations as the basis for discussion in seminars or workshops.

Lectures, seminars and tutorials
Contact hours: 40

Additional assessment information
Students must pass all assessment components to pass the module.


001 Group role-play demonstration 1 x 1000 word equiv (mid module) 25%
002 Self-evaluation portfolio 1 x 1000 word equiv (end of module) 25%
003 Essay 1 x 2000 words (end of module) 50%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ms Louise Priestley
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - S1