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XGBCYP4202 - Policy and Legal Frameworks in Health and Social Care



Learning and Teaching Information:

This module will be taught using a mixture of lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials - some of which will be student-led. Students could be expected to prepare for sessions by reading set texts. There will be a variety of classroom activities. Small group discussion is encouraged and case studies, video and film will be used to facilitate discussion and encourage a problem-solving approach. The module will necessitate engagement with the VLE.

Students will be required to present the themes of their small group discussions to the wider group.

Hours: 33
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Online support and small group tutorials
Hours: 1 ( min)
Intended Group Size: 6-10

Guided independent study
Hours: 166

Further details relating to assessment
The time line encourages student appreciation of the dynamic nature of health and social care provision.

The essay requires both conceptual and policy analysis.

The time line plus explanation provides students with an opportunity to express their understanding of developments in health and social care provision. The essay provides opportunity for students to make links to relevant theory.

Formative assessment, This module will provide numerous opportunities for formative assessment. There will be informal quizzes and the tutor will be present for feedback presentations on small group discussions.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - TBC
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4S14S1J