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SHN7026 - Work-Based Project


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Independently initiate, negotiate, develop, implement and evaluate a specific work-based project that makes a positive contribution to health and wellbeing.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of ethical principles as applied to the WBL project, and a systematic understanding of and coherent application of professional codes relevant to the WBL project.
Analyse, synthesise and critically evaluate the information and ideas developed in the WBL project.
Demonstrate a high level of critical reflection upon the design, conduct and outcomes of the WBL Project, taking account of personal, professional and work related factors.
Make a reasoned and critical selection of approaches to the research methodology, data collection techniques and data analysis and explain how these are appropriate to the aims and objectives of the WBL research project.
Select appropriate content, medium and style for communicating that is clear, concise and persuasive for a range of professional and/or academic communication.
Evidence a substantial range of sources of information and demonstrate origins of ideas with precision by referencing sources using a consistent style. Critically appraise the impact of the work-based project for practice, in the selected setting and more widely.


Drawing on the learning from the MSc programme as a whole, this module provides an opportunity to apply this learning to a complex, negotiated work-based project. Learning content will draw on situational analysis, stakeholder engagement, project management, critical incident and success analysis, negotiation and influencing strategies, and impact analysis. Effective and creative dissemination strategies and advanced critical appraisal and reflection will shape the project.

The rationale, aims and objectives of this module are drawn up by students in the 'learning agreement'. It follows that each negotiated project will be unique in terms of its aims.

Learning and Teaching Information:

A range of teaching and learning methods will be used including initial taught interactive sessions, group seminars, webinars, e-learning and individual tutorial and project development support.

Hours: 6
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Hours: 6
Intended Group Size: Cohort

One-to-one tutorials
Hours: 12
Intended Group Size: 1

Guided independent study
Hours: 576

Further details relating to assessment
The work-based project will be initiated by the student, with guidance and support from academic tutors. The student will identify a work-based project and will agree the proposed outcomes/artefacts from the project with both their work-based employer and the academic tutor as part of the project initiation phase. The student will demonstrate effective project planning and project management to bring the project to fruition.

Prior to commencing a work-based project, each student will be required to submit a proposal to the School of Social and Health Sciences Ethics Committee for approval and feedback. This process is formative and specific templates for work-based studies will be provided for students.


001 Project; 12,000 words; end of semester 80%
002 Presentation; 30mins; end of semester 20%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Nicola Arjomandkhah
Level - 7
Credit Value - 60
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS1S7PGS2