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SEA6012 - New Technologies in Education


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

Demonstrate a critical understanding of new technologies that can potentially support teaching and learning in schools.
Critically evaluate the use of new technologies for learning and teaching.
Analyse potential barriers and enablers relating to the adoption and use of new technologies in schools.
Demonstrate personal skills in the creation of ICT activities to enhance learning.


In this module students will reflect on their experiences in schools, and review current research and scholarship to identify current and possible future trends with regards to the use of next technologies in the secondary education context.

Students will have the opportunity to engage with relevant hardware and software to develop their own ICT skills and create useful ICT teaching and learning activities. Students will develop their understanding of why and how such resources are, and are not, used by teachers and pupils. They will gain a critical understanding of national policies and guidance in relation to the safe use of ICT and e-safety.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Sessions will use a range of learning and teaching methods including peer tutoring, student presentations, tutor - led demonstrations, individual and paired working.

During the course of each session there will be tutor/student interaction to meet individual needs and help develop skills, confidence, competence, knowledge and understanding relating to the aims and objectives.

On-going self evaluation will be part of the students' identification of needs.

Course documentation, support materials and web based materials will be available on the VLE.

Scheduled learning and teaching activities
Contact hourse: 40
Intended Group size: 40

Guided independent study
Hours: 160


001 Portfolio of ICT resources with critical evaluation; 4,000 word equivalent; end of module YR2 T3 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - PRS_CODE=
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6T3A2