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ICE7112 - Innovation, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Critically analyse some contemporary approaches to innovation in Teaching and Learning and/or assessment.
Show a critical understanding and engagement with key issues pertaining to diversity and inclusion in Higher Education.
Critically engage with issues facing the HE sector in relation to race, ethnicity and diversity – such as the attainment gap and graduate outcomes for BAME students.


This module will enable candidates to reflect deeply on how to innovate in relation to teaching and learning practices. Topics such as student-led enquiry, the flipped classroom, online teaching, Podcasts, Apps and the use of artificial intelligence in HE will be discussed.

There will also be a strong emphasis on equality, diversity and inclusion in this module. Participants will be expected to engage in deep learning about issues facing the HE sector in relation to the attainment gap, race and diversity. The cohort will reflect together and individually on issues pertaining to inclusion and diversity in the contemporary HE context.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Teaching sessions will vary from face to face sessions to online sessions. A Microsoft Teams site will be set up to facilitate further discussion and debate beyond lectures and seminars. Moodle will be used to display and share PowerPoint presentations, suitable resources for reading and reflection and guidance on assessment. It will also be a key resource for sending out student communications regarding the programme and for keeping candidates up to date regarding the requirements of the programme in relation to learning each week and assessment. Drop-in sessions will be available on request from the Programme Co-ordinator. These will enable candidates to gain one to one support and to ask questions regarding assessment and learning in general.

Lectures and Seminars
Hours: 20
Intended Group size: Cohort

Guided independent study
Hours: 180

Further details relating to assessment
Participants are expected to produce a poster that outlines an innovative aspect of their teaching practice that they have either already ‘done or ‘intend to do’, having done research on a particular model of innovation. The poster will be presented to the Module Co-ordinator via a 10-minute presentation and will be displayed at the Learning and Teaching Day at LTU.

The literature review will be focussed on ONE or TWO particular aspects of diversity and inclusion and must include reference to contemporary studies in the HE sector that demonstrate the importance of these aspects of teaching and learning in HE.

Participants can negotiate the topics with the lecturer if that is the preferred option.

As this is an accredited programme, all components must be passed.


001 Poster Presentation; 1,000 word equiv; mid-semester 2 25%
002 Literature Review; 3,000 words; mid-semester 2Literature Review; 3,000 words; mid-semester 2 75%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ann Marie Mealey
Level - 7
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS2