On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
- Have a knowledge of the foundations of Christian morality and an understanding of the role of the Church as moral teacher.
- Recognise the importance of individual conscience and understand what is involved in the formation of Christian conscience.
- Be able to appreciate and respect different, yet conscientiously held, positions in regard to moral questions.
- Be able to communicate what they have learned from an adult stance.
- Moral decision-making as a universal human activity.
- Basic principles of Christian morality.
- Formation of Christian conscience.
- Contemporary moral issues, e.g., environmental, medical, sexual, social.
The purpose of this module is to help participants develop the skills of moral decision-making, to examine Christian teaching in its relation to the universal search for what constitutes "human good", and to explore the application of Christian understanding to some contemporary moral issues.
001 Assessed coursework 100%
Module Coordinator - Jenny Stuart-Collins
Level - U
Credit Value - 10
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4S2