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BMM6611 - Change Management (Four Year Programme)


On successful completion of the module, learners will be able to:
Demonstrate the ability to identify, evaluate and make appropriate use of sources of knowledge and evidence in relation to change management.
Demonstrate an in depth understanding of ethical principles and a systematic understanding and coherent application of professional codes relevant to change management and the communication of change.
Analyse, synthesise and evaluate the information and ideas developed in relation to change management.

Demonstrate a high level of reflection upon the conduct and outcomes of applying change management techniques to effectively manage change within their organisation.
Make a reasoned selection of an approach to change management explaining how these are appropriate to their work context.
Select appropriate content, medium and style that is clear, concise and appropriate for a professional and /or academic communication. Evidence sources of information and demonstrate origins of ideas with precision by referencing sources using a consistent style.
Analyse and evaluate how they have been able to relate/apply the concepts and theories of change management to their work context and their organisation.


This module will explore:
- Business context and operational structures.
- Developing concepts of change management and models for evoking change.
- Processes for effectively managing a change.
- Communication for successfully encouraging and leading change.
- Change management within an organisation to include impacts on culture, structures and outcomes.
- Evaluating changes made and how to measure impact.

On completion of the module learners will be able to:
- Critically evaluate change management models.
- Apply relevant model(s) to effectively manage change in a select area of own organisation.
- Effectively communicate change to relevant stakeholders.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Learning and teaching typically includes a range of methods such as lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials, with emphasis on team experience and peer support, large and small group discussions, problem-solving activities and individual and paired working.

Learners may be expected to draw on a range of theoretical/academic, personal and work-based resources. Course documentation, support materials and web-based materials will be available on the VLE as appropriate.

Implementation of study skills will be supported and in particular teamwork, and the capacity to develop written argument, will be developed. During the course of each session there will be opportunities for tutor/student interaction to meet individual needs and help develop skills, confidence, competence, knowledge and understanding relating to the aims and objectives of the module. Accessing library resources and help with coursework study skills will be available from services across the university.

Learners would be expected to prepare for the sessions by reading set texts and completion of tasks set in class or via the VLE and will be expected to take part in a wide range of learning activities.

Learners will maintain their Personal e-portfolio during this module and on-going self-evaluation will be part of the learners' identification of needs.

Lectures, seminars, learning activities, workshops and tutorials
Contact Hours: 20
Intended Group Size 20

Flexibly delivered e-engagement e.g. VLE activities assessment support/e-support including tutorials.
Contact Hours: 20
Intended Group Size 1-6

Guided independent study
Hours: 60

Further details relating to assessment
Learners will be expected to orally present the outcomes of their learning relevant to the subject content in a 15 minute presentation followed by a question and answer session. The presentation should be supported by work based artefact(s) and a critical commentary not exceeding 500 words.

An option to present a written report rather than orally present learning will be available.

Other relevant matters
Learners must demonstrate awareness of workplace application of learning and development of skills relating to strategic awareness, development, execution and monitoring and develop evidence through their personalised e-portfolio to sufficiently demonstrate the skills and behaviours expected of a Chartered Manager.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ian McGregor-Brown
Level - 6
Credit Value - 10
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered -