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BMM6601 - Advanced Planning Personal and Professional Development (Four Year Programme)


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Take lead responsibility for the planning of a programme of work which is academically coherent and justified.
Demonstrate an in depth understanding of key ethical principles and relevant professional codes related to the proposed programme.
Demonstrate the ability to present a written programme plan which is persuasive to their work as well as an academic audience.


The aim of this module is for the student to lead in the development of a three way learning agreement designed to meet their personal and professional development needs while at the same time being of potential value to the employer (or other work third party) and acceptable to the University on academic grounds.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Typically delivered on a blended learning basis with a combination of workshops and on-line support.

Contact Hours: 6
Intended Group Size 20

Guided independent study
Hours: 94


Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ian McGregor-Brown
Level - 6
Credit Value - 10
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered -