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BMM5632 - Designing Practitioner Research


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Make a selection of research approaches and data gathering techniques.
Demonstrate capacity for reflection in the role of the worker / researcher.
Demonstrate links between the aims of the research, its methodology and the key work imperatives concerned with a view to making a contribution to his or her professional practice.
Demonstrate an understanding of established ethical considerations relevant to undertaking research as an insider in their immediate professional context.
Demonstrate the ability to present a written research proposal which is effectively organized and communicated to an academic audience and has potential benefit to their immediate work.


The aim of the module is to develop awareness of research and development issues in the work place; to reflect upon the position of the worker researcher and the ethical issues involved; to develop a work based research project proposal.

The module covers an introduction to:
Research methodology and theoretical approaches.
Qualitative and quantitative methods.
Techniques of data collection.
Ethics of workplace and work based research.
Designing, conducting and justifying work based research.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Typically delivered on a blended learning basis with a combination of workshops and on-line support.

Workshops and Seminars
Contact Hours: 14
Intended Group Size: Upto 30

Contact Hours: 2
Intended Group Size: 1

Guided independent study
Hours: 184


Fact File

Module Coordinator - KIRSTY BECKETT
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 5APS5AP