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SHN5002 - Planning, Designing and Evaluating Health Interventions


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Discuss the role of health needs assessment and the influence of a range of agents and agencies on health behaviour.
Analyse and appraise National Curriculum Guidance and government-led health promotion initiatives.
Analyse a range of health campaigns in areas such as substance use and misuse, sex education, family life education, safety, health-related exercise, food and nutrition.
Plan a health promotion project for a specific target population, applying theory around design, implementation, evaluation and ethics.


Students will study theoretical aspects of intervention planning, including health needs assessment and consideration of whose voice is heard in identifying individual and population health needs; the influence of policy and strategy on intervention planning; the role of the Ottawa Charter and its influence in informing settings based approaches to population health improvement, including healthy schools, healthy universities, healthy prisons, healthy cities; approaches to health improvement including empowerment, ecological, behaviour change and medical; models of health behaviour change and their application and use in intervention planning; evaluation in public health, including evaluation frameworks; ethics in public health intervention planning.

Learning and Teaching Information:

A combination of lectures and workshops will be used in this module. Lectures will deliver the core theoretical content for the module. Workshops will involve small group work to explore and appraise health promotion materials, peer feedback on campaign development and shared learning around application of theory to campaign planning practice.

Hours: 12
Intended Group Size: Full cohort

Hours: 20
Intended Group Size: 18

Individual/small group tutorials
Hours: 2
Intended Group Size: 5

Guided independent study
Hours: 166

Further details relating to assessment
Students produce a report outlining the development of an intervention aimed at a specific target group. This includes producing an evidence based rationale, embedding theory into the intervention plan and producing an evaluation plan.


001 Report; 4,000 words; end of semester 2 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Abigail Lancaster
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 5S2