On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate an awareness of the complexity of the interaction between learning and contexts, and the range of ways in which participants (including learners and teachers) can influence the learning process.
Demonstrate an accommodation of new principles and understandings.
Collaborate and plan as part of a team, to carry out roles allocated by the team and take the lead where appropriate, and to fulfil agreed responsibilities.
This module focuses on various aspects of children and young people's learning. In addition, it provides opportunities for students to consider and reflect upon their own learning and development. Students will be introduced to some key theories about learning and teaching related to, for example:
- learning and development
- language and learning
- motivation and learning
- social and emotional aspects of learning and development
- cultural aspects of learning
- thinking skills and meta-cognition
- children and young people's development
- the impact of family circumstances on learning
- effective learning environments
- Sessions will use a range of learning and teaching methods including peer tutoring, student presentations, tutor - led demonstrations, individual and paired working.
- During the course of each session there will be tutor/student interaction to meet individual needs and help develop skills, confidence, competence, knowledge and understanding relating to the aims and objectives.
- On-going self evaluation will be part of the students' identification of needs.
- Course documentation, support materials and web based materials will be available on the VLE.
Scheduled learning and teaching activity
Hours: 40
Intended Group size: 40
Guided independent study
Hours: 160
Further Other Details relating to assessment
Directed activities: these consist of weekly tasks that must be completed and submitted for inspection at timetabled sessions each week. The assessment will be assessed on a pass/fail basis with a pass requiring at least 75% of all weekly tasks to be completed successfully. A pass will lead to the full award of 10% towards the final module mark. A fail in directed activities will contribute 0% to the final mark.
Formative assessment will take place during the course of the module.
Module Coordinator - Andrew Brownless
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4T1A1