PED5722 - Understanding Inclusion


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Appraise the rationale for inclusion and demonstrate an awareness of the key policy initiatives that inform the development of provision and practice in schools;
Describe the diverse nature of learners, including some of the barriers to learning and a range of strategies to meet the needs of individual learners; and the current expectations of mainstream teachers in relation to meeting the needs of all learners;
Explain the importance of collaborative support in meeting the needs of a diverse range of learners, and particularly children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and their families;
Reflect upon their own teaching skills with regard to a diverse range of learners, including those with SEN;
Identify a range of roles, responsibilities and practices in primary school in relation to Safeguarding and inclusion, and recognize the current national priorities in primary education.


This module will build on knowledge, concepts and content from the level 4 modules, and in particular from Understanding Learners and Learning (PED 4422).

The aim of this module is for students to gain deeper insight into the diverse range of learners in mainstream settings, how they develop and any challenges to learning that they may face. The module will provide students with the opportunity to explore a wide range of theories and practices around inclusion; including policy initiatives, identifying and meeting the needs of individual learners, approaches to the curriculum and practical strategies to meet the needs of a diverse range of learners, cultural diversity and citizenship, gender and linguistic diversity.

A further aim of this module is to enable students to identify the individual needs of learners and some of the approaches used in mainstream schools to support those needs. Students will develop and awareness of conditions experienced by children with identified specific needs eg. physical needs, behavioural needs, linguistic needs (English as an Additional Language) and specific learning needs eg. Dyslexia, ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, more able / Gifted & Talented and how these may manifest themselves in the classroom.

They will develop and understanding of methods for identifying needs and evaluate the approaches used to support specific needs, eg. the role and responsibilities of the SENCo / Inclusion co-ordinator, use of Code of Practice for SEN, role of adults - Learning Support Assistants, parents, specialists, etc. Students will discover a range of strategies for working with others, including parents/carers and the team around the child.

The module will include an introduction to child protection, identifying signs of abuse, categories of abuse and the roles and responsibilities of adults in school eg. Child Protection Officer. Issues around the use of multi-agency working and recording and reporting abuse will be explored.

Students will explore issues related to diversity and inclusion, meeting the needs of all children including those with EAL, and recognising and overcoming barriers to learning, to include looked-after children, refugees / asylum seekers and Gypsy Roma Traveller children (those termed nationally as 'vulnerable groups').

Students will gain an insight into whole school issues - examining policy and practice in, eg. managing challenging behaviour and bullying, and holistic themes such as Healthy Schools, Education for Sustainable Development and pupil voice through Personal, Social and Health Education and school councils.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Staff will use a variety of delivery methods appropriate to the subject content. Sessions will involve students in collaborative, enquiry based interactive discussion and analysis of sources and key concepts. Workshop and small group activity sessions will involve students in practical activities involved with the holistic concept of meeting the individual needs of a diverse range of learners. Tutorials will involve students in small group and individual discussion focusing on analysis and synthesis, and reflection on the impact of learning on professional and academic development. Student-led enquiry will allow for the exploration of strategies to support meeting specific needs introduced throughout the module.

Scheduled learning and teaching activities
Hours: 40
Intended Group Size: Up to 40

Guided independent study
Hours: 160

Further details relating to assessment
Assessments will reflect as much as possible, the attributes and characteristics necessary in the fulfilment of the professional role of the teacher.

Assessment for this module is closely related to the scope of the Teachers' Standards (2012) - and in particular; to promote good progress and outcomes for pupils (TS2), demonstrating good subject and curriculum knowledge (TS3), adapting teaching in response to the needs of pupils (TS5), managing behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment (TS7), and to fulfil their wider professional responsibilities (TS8).


Fact File

Module Coordinator - Diana Mann
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 5YLQ5YLQ