On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Work effectively in a team to deliver a project to a specified brief;
Interpret a project brief to plan for delivery, including use of approaching tools and within appropriate professional standards;
Understand the value and application of disruptive technologies.
This module provides a comprehensive overview of practical project design and management. Students work to a given employer brief, designing, building and testing a product (from development to going live). Emphasis is placed upon critical review and key performance indicators: the client communication, control of deadlines, costings, and attribution. Employer briefs require consideration of:
- The impact of disruptive technologies: mobile internet, knowledge work automation, and the Cloud;
- Development models, such as Waterfall and Agile;
- Project management: user requirements and critical success factors (CSF), WBS, customer collaboration, responding to change, agile methods to integrate planning with implementation;
- Testing methods.
The subject content will be delivered through workshops and group project work. There will be particular guidance for each group to support: the definition of appropriate and credible KPIs, client communication, and for team motivation and consideration for individual brand.
Hours: 75
Intended Group Size: Cohort
Guided independent study
Hours: 325
Further details relating to assessment
Artefact: The 'artefact' is the product that responds to the given brief and it is evaluated in terms of the KPI's. The mark given is not limited to the product; emphasis is placed on work processes, qualities of communication, and professional/critical attitudes involved in creating the artefact.
Employers supply appropriate briefs and serve as clients during the project. They advise on completed project with reference to the KPIs and the customer service.
Commentary: the contents should include (the breakdown by word count is merely illustrative):
- project outline (100 words);
- explanation of the design approach adopted (500 words);
- description and rationale of chosen solution, resources used, programming language, and known problems (e.g. bugs) (200 words);
- evaluation: SWOT analysis, plan for improved future performance, evaluation of personal performance and motivation (200 words).
Other relevant matters
Project students build will need to be able to still work under duress, be able to be built on and address KPIs - e.g. meantime to recovery
001 Artefact; 7,000 words; end of semester 2 85%
002 Commentary; 1,000 words; end of semester 2 15%
Module Coordinator - Aliyu Lawal Aliyu
Level - 5
Credit Value - 40
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 5YL