PED4292 - Development. Learning and Teaching


On successful completion of the phase, students will be able to:

1 Begin to demonstrate understanding of the complexity of the interaction between learning and contexts, and the range of ways in which participants (including learners and teachers) can influence the learning process.
2 Begin to accommodate new principles and understandings.
3 Being to collaborate and plan as part of a team, to carry out roles allocated by the team and take the lead where appropriate, and to fulfil agreed responsibilities.


This module focuses on various aspects of children’s learning. In addition, it provides opportunities for students to consider and reflect upon their own learning and professional development. Students will be introduced to some key theories about learning and teaching related to, for example:

• learning and development (teachers and children)
• language and learning
• motivation and learning
• social and emotional aspects of learning
• cultural aspects of learning
• thinking skills and meta-cognition
• teaching and learning
• effective learning environments

This module will address the following from the Teachers’ Standards effective from 1st September 2012:

2 Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils
5 Adapt teaching to respond to the needs of all pupils
8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

Learning and Teaching Information:

Taught sessions will include a variety of approaches to promote active and collaborative learning, incorporating integrative assessments and elements of the university’s proto-curriculum. Learning will also be supported by resources in CLARCS packs and the VLE.

Lectures, workshops, seminars and tutorials
Contact hours: 40
Intended Group size: 40x2

Additional Assessment Information
Assignment will contain a 500 word piece marked formatively linked to proto-curriculum. This will be reworked (though not remarked) as part of 2500 word submission.

In presenting poster to staff students will offer a rationale for their chosen content.

Traines must pass both components.


001 Assignment 1 x 2000 words (semester 1) 50%
002 Poster presentation 1 x 2000 words (semester 2) 50%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Katie Hartshorne
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4YLQ4YLQ