JOU4942 - Media Matters: Law, Regulation and Context


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic regulatory frameworks within which the media operate.
Demonstrate an understanding of the legal framework within which journalists must operate, specifically in relation to court reporting.
Apply media law to relevant practical journalism scenarios, particularly in relation to court reporting.


Media Matters is an introduction to media law and covers the basics of the legal system, contempt and reporting restrictions as they affect sexual offences and crimes involving juveniles. A key part of the module includes visits to crown and magistrates’ court to see how such laws are applied in practice.
The module also covers regulation as it affects the print and broadcast media. Finally, it includes a brief introduction to defamation (a topic which is covered in more depth in levels 5 and 6).

Learning and Teaching Information:

Traditional powerpoint lectures, followed by seminars in which students are tested on their knowledge, via paper-based exercises, discussions and online quizzes (similar to those used in the summative assessments).

Hours: 12
Intended Group size: Full cohort

Hours: 12
Intended Group size: Full cohort

Guided independent study
Hours: 176

Further details relating to assessment
From 2016, this module will be delivered twice across the year. Journalism, Magazine Journalism and Broadcast Journalism students will complete the module in the first semester. Sports Journalism students will complete the module in the second semester.

Assessment 1 – Directed activities: these consist of weekly tasks that must be completed and submitted for inspection at timetabled sessions each week. The assessment will be assessed on a pass/fail basis with a pass requiring at least 75% of all weekly tasks to be completed successfully. A pass will lead to the full award of 10% towards the final module mark. A fail in directed activities will contribute 0% to the final mark.


001 Directed activities Throughout the module 10%
002 Case studies 2500 words during semester 1 65%
003 Reflective report 1500 words end of semester 1 25%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Mr Nigel Green
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4S14S2