ENG5522 - Literary Period: the Middle Ages


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
demonstrate basic understanding of the history of the English language in the Old and Middle English periods
demonstrate knowledge of the formal characteristics of Old and Middle English verse
critically examine a range of texts from the Old English and Middle English periods
demonstrate awareness of the changing cultural conditions in which medieval texts were produced, and discuss specified texts in relation to these contexts
analyse medieval texts on the basis of an accurate and sensitive reading, informed by scholarship and up-to-date critical investigation


Students will be introduced to Chaucer's work, making a close study of The General Prologue and several examples from The Canterbury Tales. Students will also be introduced to another major Middle English writer, the Gawain-poet. Alongside the study of topics in the early history of the language, students will also explore a range of Old and Middle English texts, including some Anglo-Saxon poetry.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Each week, there will be a one-hour lecture by a short Q&A session. There will also be a two-hour seminar based on directed reading.

Hours: 10
Intended group size: 25

Hours: 20
Intended group size: 25

Guided independent study
Hours: 170
Further details relating to assessment
For the first assessment, students will be required to comment critically upon one of a selection of passages from early medieval literature in translation. The second essay will address a theme in later medieval literature, engaging with the original language.


001 Critical commentary Exercise 1750 words Mid semester 2 40%
002 Essay 2,250 words end of semester 2 60%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Dr Nathan Uglow
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 5S1