SHN7055 - Emotional health and wellbeing in contemporary society


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1 Identify the challenges of mental health in Europe including issues relating to ethics, values and disability.
2 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the contribution positive psychology plays in our understanding of emotional health and wellbeing.
3 Critically review research examining lifestyle contributions to the healthy mind eg active leisure, spiritual engagement, nutrition, alcohol and other drug choices.
4 Evaluate initiatives to develop emotional health and wellbeing with children, adolescents and adults in a range of contexts.


Mental health in Europe: issues, challenges, services and policies; History and evidence base of positive psychology and its practical application eg teaching happiness, developing resilience and perseverance;
Factors contributing to the healthy mind eg exercise, nutrition, sleep, relationships, spiritual engagement, medication, social legal and illegal drug use, work and leisure;
Initiatives such as anti bullying programmes, social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL), cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing and brief solution focused therapy.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module will be taught using a blended learning approach involving an intensive face-to-face contact phase of lectures and workshops followed by a distance learning phase involving engagement with on –line tasks such as reading, data collection, analysis and synthesis of research, problem solving and discussion forums.
E mail and telephone tutorials will support the distance learning phase.
Total learning time including contact and independent learning is 150 hours.
Face-to-face lectures and workshops
Contact hours: 5
Intended Group size: 15

On-line tasks
Contact hours: 14
Intended Group size: 1/15

Contact hours: 1
Intended Group size: 1


001 1 x 3000 word portfolio 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Nina Fryer
Level - 7
Credit Value - 15
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS2