SHN6282 - Community Sports Development


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of community sport development officers and community exercise promoters.
Make a critical appraisal of relevant Government and non-Government agency policies, e.g. Governing Bodies, local authorities, national and regional health organisations and institutions.
Evaluate community sport and exercise initiatives.
Plan a community sport or exercise development initiative.
Demonstrate knowledge of the nature of disability, the needs of special groups in society and identify provision, access and delivery of sport, exercise and physical activity for those with special needs.
Demonstrate knowledge of adapted physical activities, therapeutic and leisure benefits; educational provision for children or adults with a disability or special needs.


Roles and responsibilities of sport and exercise development officers. Strategic and operational planning. Sports policies: sports development continuum, target groups, focus sports, equity, current initiatives and intervention, GP activity referral schemes. Case studies, problem solving, campaign planning and evaluation. Preparing a sports development plan. Issues of equality; The nature of disabilities and their impact on health, exercise and sport involvement; issues of provision and access, the role of sport development officers for the disabled; adapted physical activities, movement therapy.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Contact hours: 30
Intended Group size: 70

Contact hours: 10
Intended Group size: 35

Contact hours: 4
Intended group size: 35

Contact hours: 1
Intended Group size: 1

Guided independent study time
Hours: 155


001 Report 1 x 2000 words end of semester 2 50%
002 10 minute contribution to a group meeting 10 mins mid sem 2 50%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Mrs Catherine Rowlands
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6S2