SEA5002 - Inclusion and SEN (Special Educational Needs)


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

Critically evaluate the responsibilities of those in school and outside agencies working with pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN), in relation to school policies, the Code of Practice and national initiatives.
Analyse how teachers and schools provide effective personalised provision for pupils with SEN or disability
Demonstrate an awareness of how to promote inclusion when teaching pupils with SEN and reflect on the range of appropriate approaches available.
Examine the broader elements of inclusion, including children and young people from different ethnic, religious, social, cultural and linguistic backgrounds


The course includes:

• Role and responsibilities of the teacher, SEN Coordinator (SENCO) and other colleagues in school in relation to pupils with SEN and other colleagues in school in relation to pupils with SEN, as outlined in the SEN Code of Practice.
• The role of and liaison with other professionals in working with pupils with SEN, in particular in relation to less common areas of SEN.
• The use of Individual Education Plans (IEPs), focusing on framing targets and planning provision.
• Communicating with parents and carers. Promoting participation of pupils in meeting their own needs.
• Early identification of needs and methods of monitoring and assessing progress of pupils with SEN.
• To extend knowledge and understanding of a range of specific areas of SEN including Emotional, Social and Behavioural Disorders (EBSD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), dyspraxia, dyslexia & dyscalculia, visual and auditory impairment.
An introduction to the teaching of pupils who are of high global ability.
• Extending understanding of other aspects of inclusion including social economic, cultural, linguistic and religious.

In relation to each of the above areas, students will be required to be familiar with a range of research findings and Government initiatives and be prepared to critically evaluate their contents and the approaches used in carrying out the research. Students will be introduced to the ethical conduct of research into case studies and handling pupil data.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Sessions will use a range of learning and teaching methods including peer tutoring, student presentations, tutor - led demonstrations, individual and paired working.

During the course of each session there will be tutor/student interaction to meet individual needs and help develop skills, confidence, competence, knowledge and understanding relating to the aims and objectives.

On-going self evaluation will be part of the students’ identification of needs.
Course documentation, support materials and web based materials will be available on the VLE.

Scheduled learning and teaching activities
Contact hours: 40
Intended Group size: (20 hours joint, 20 hours context specific) 40

Guided independent study
Contact hours: 160


001 Case study 1 x 2,000 words (Mid-Module - Yr 1 Term 3) 50%
002 Essay 1 x 2,000 words (End-of-Module - Yr 1 Term 3) 50%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - EDWARD PODESTA
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 5T3A1