JOU7173 - News Skills (Print and Digital)


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of and critically evaluate news values and news agendas;
Identify and critically evaluate news and sources;
Develop working relationships with sources;
Demonstrate competences in researching, evaluating and gathering information;
Demonstrate proficiency in news delivery on multimedia platforms;
Demonstrate proficiency in accessing and processing information via online, social media and content management platforms;
Demonstrate proficiency in accurate and comprehensive note-taking.


This module uses interactive workshops and news exercises to cover the following: Spotting a news story or angle; prioritising news items and constructing the news agenda; researching; cultivating news sources; analysing complex information; teamwork and organisation of the news production process; telling a story with words, pictures, video and audio by deadline; critically evaluating and being able to construct alternative narrative structures; story genre; house styles; delivering to target audiences; interviewing skills; accurate and comprehensive note-taking; video and audio skills.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Interactive workshops, group and individual exercises either at university or at workstations outside of the university; group and individual feedback sessions.
Contact Hours: 50
Intended Group Size: full cohort

Tutorials (individual)<\b>
Contact Hours: 5
Intended Group Size: 1

Shorthand tuition<\b>
Hours: 180
Intended Group Size: full cohort

Guided independent study<\b>
Hours: 65


001 Portfolio 3000 words 100%
002 Shorthand Minimum 70wpm - 2000 word equivalent P/F 0%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Lisa Bradley
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7JNS2