ICE7013 - Developing Practitioner Enquiry (Research Methods)


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Identify their own professional development needs and plan; work towards, monitor and review personal learning goals. Critically examine and reflect on their own professional practice.
Display knowledge and critical understanding of key theoretical frameworks and philosophical perspectives relating to both the substantive topic and practitioner enquiry approaches in developing a formal research proposal for an appropriate dissertation.
Analyse, critically reflect on and synthesise research findings (including those from nations other than the UK) and other evidence to inform the design and justification of a research proposal for an appropriate practice related dissertation.
Adopt a critical practitioner enquiry approach to develop their professional practice in family support or related practice.


Students will consider how to investigate systematically the literature and develop a research plan for the dissertation, which critically evaluates relevant research and scholarship in relation to their plans for:
• Identifying a focus for the research and developing appropriate areas of enquiry
• Justifying an approach for pursuing the enquiry, that takes account of epistemological and/or methodological debates
• Conducting the enquiry to comply with principles of ethical research • Drawing conclusions from the enquiry
• Improving personal and professional practice in children’s services
• Developing skills in anti-oppressive, respectful research with children and families
• Disseminating the findings from the enquiry
• Using reflective practitioner and/or practitioner research approaches to evaluate their own planning for the dissertation.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Learning will include tutor input, discussion, learning conversations, action learning sets, practitioner enquiry, workshops, presentations, practical tasks, seminars and independent study, as appropriate. Reflective practice will be facilitated in taught sessions and supported by tutorials and on-line forums on the University VLE. Support will be available for the preparation of the work based assignment.

Students will be expected to draw on their own professional experiences and relevant research, in order to contribute to and lead group activities.

Seminars, workshops and tutorials
Hours: 12
Intended Group size: 24

Action learning sets (workshops)
Hours: 6
Intended Group size: 6-12

Small group and individual supervision
Hours: 6
Intended Group size: 1-6

Guided independent study
Hours: 276


001 Individual Poster Presentation 1000 word equivalent sem 1 wk 12 20%
002 Literature review and research proposal 4000 words sem 2 wk 2 80%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Pam Jarvis
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS1