PED5302 - Early Years Core 1: Communication, Language and Literacy, Mathematics and Science


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1 demonstrate secure knowledge and understanding of their subjects/curriculum areas and related pedagogy to enable them to teach effectively across the age and ability range for which they are trained to teach (Q14) (K1) (T1)
2 Demonstrate and awareness of how to make effective personalized provision for those they teach including those for whom English is an additional language or who have special educational needs or disabilities, and how to take practical account of diversity and promote equality and inclusion in their teaching (Q19) (A1)
3 question concepts and theories encountered in their studies (R2)
4 Analyse complex situations concerning human learning and development in the context of mathematical development in the Early Years (A1)
5 Explain pedagogical approaches that impact upon children’s learning and reflect upon them within the context of early years exploration and enquiry (K1) (R2)


The English component of this module has several strands:
• Narrative composition is revisited – this time with reference to children for whom English is an additional language. Focus is on traditional stories from a variety of cultures
• Emphasis on language comprehension including story telling and drama strategies to meet the needs of children learning English as an additional language
• Focus on intervention programmes that support the needs of children with learning difficulties
• Focus on the theory and research into the teaching of synthetic phonics.

Links with spelling are included
• Planning, teaching, monitoring, assessing and recording pupils’ reading attainments at Key Stage 1 and the Foundation Stage
• Trainees are required to analyse and assess the narrative writing attainment of a child with English as an additional language

The mathematical component of this module aims to enable trainees:

• To acquire knowledge and understanding of the development of the concepts of shape: through indoor and outdoor play and the other areas of learning (FS), the properties of common 2-D and 3-D shapes, reflective symmetry, positions, directions and movement and angle (KS1)
• To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the importance of interactive resources and be able to evaluate their effectiveness
• To know how to plan and resource a challenging environment in which children can develop the concepts of shape
• To know how to extend and develop children’s language and communication, with an emphasis on play in FS
• To recognize the role of ICT in supporting teaching and learning

The science component of this module aims to:
• Develop personal knowledge of the Science content: Scientific Enquiry, humans as organisms, forces, electricity and sound
• Knowledge of the National Curriculum for Science and Foundation Stage Guidance relating to KUW
• Develop knowledge of the process of moderation in science at KS1and recognise their impact on teaching and learning
• Develop knowledge of the range of investigation types within the Early Years
• Develop an understanding of the role of the practitioner within ‘exploration’ in the early years
• Recognise the role of questioning within teaching and learning and relate to classroom practice

Learning and Teaching Information:

Teaching methods will include weekly lectures, practical workshops and tutorials. A range of planning and assessment models will be presented.

Contact Hours: 54
Number of Groups: 2

Contact Hours: 6
Number of Groups: 2


001 English exam 1 hr (End Sem 2) 33%
002 Maths exam 1hr (End Sem 2) 33%
003 Science exam 1 hr (End of Sem 2) 34%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Mrs Wendy Lowde
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - YL