JOU4414 - Radio and Television Production for Broadcast


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate a basic competence in television news production
Demonstrate a basic competence in location sound recording and editing
Demonstrate a basic competence in scripting and online writing
Work effectively as an individual and in a team and evaluate both forms of learning in a written format
Demonstrate a proficiency in accurate and comprehensive note-taking
Assess their level of preparedness for employability and the working world


This module is organised in 3 sections.
1) Radio Production will include the use of the portable digital audio recorder, principles of digital editing and recording exercises; interview techniques, asking the right questions, scripting,
2) Television production will include the use of digital video equipment, editing, visual literacy, writing for visual news, and news production.
3) News Production Project will take place in the Level 4 Professional Placement period. During this project, students will use the broadcast, online, social media and written skills developed over the course of the year and take part in a number of simulated newsroom broadcast and online exercises and generate stories for a personal news portfolio. These will include working in a group in the TV studio to produce a short live news programme with a live studio guest, a basic radio bulletin exercise, a live press conference and a range of reporting / newsgathering exercises which utlilise social media and online content skills. Students will also draft a CV and assess their preparedness for Level 5 professional development and the associated live broadcast projects.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module is taught via a series of interactive workshops which use innovative and creative teaching methods in order to foster student engagement and develop practical skills. The focus is on student-centred practice, using a broad range of simulated and live news exercises which allow the cohort to use their practical skills in safe environment where they benefit from tutor feedback and mentoring on an on-going basis.

Workshops 10 x 2 hour (TV)
Contact hours: 20
Intended Group size: 20

Workshops 10 x 2 hour (Radio)
Contact hours: 20
Intended Group size: 20

Contact hours: 112
Intended Group size: 25

Workshops / supervision
Contact hours: 30
Intended Group size: 20

Guided independent study
Hours: 218
<>br> Further details relating to assessment
Portfolio 1 will normally include a 2 to 3 minute interview, plus cue and reflective report.
Portfolio 2 will normally include an individually produced underlay (script with edited pictures) and upsound (script with edited pictures and edited interview clip) and an evaluative report evaluating a television news programme.
Portfolio 3 will is compiled during the course of the News Production Project which takes place in the Level 4 professional placement period. During this time, studnets will take part in a variety of group and individual live news exercises which involve generating and producing content for broadcast and online. They will also produce a CV in readiness for work placement and a reflective report. Students are required to submit for all components of assessment to pass this module.
The teaching of Teeline Shorthand is informed by professional expectations in industry that all trainee journalists learn shorthand. Students must show serious enagement with this element of the module. This will be measured by attendance at sessions, the requirement to submit four transcribed practice passages via Moodle durng the course of the module and the need to make a serious attempt at examination at a speed of at least 80wpm.
Students will be assessed via NCTJ shorthand examinations.
Shorthand is one of the core examinations in the NCTJ Diploma and students must obtain a shorthand speed of at least 80wpm in order to be eligible for the NCTJ Diploma.


001 Portfolio 1 1,000-word equivalent End of Semester 1 25%
002 Portfolio 2 750-word equiv (incl 2 hour exam) During / end of Semester 2 25%
003 Shorthand speed test Pass / fail During / end of Semester 2 0%
004 Portfolio 3 4,000-word equivalent End of Semester 2 50%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Katherine Blair
Level - 4
Credit Value - 40
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered -