On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic categories of speech sounds and familiarity with the International Phonetic Alphabet
Demonstrate understanding of a specified range of linguistic terms and concepts and apply these in the stylistic analysis of literary texts
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a particular linguistic topic (eg the history of English, World Englishes, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, semantics, language change) and discuss specific issues associated with that topic
Select appropriate material for, and present, a case study explaining an aspect of a particular linguistic topic
This module builds on the introduction to linguistics which students will have gained at Level 4 by extending and consolidating their knowledge of particular linguistic topics. It will extend the range of linguistic terms that they are able to apply to analysis of literary texts (Stylistics) and introduce them to a new topic (Phonetics / Phonology). These two topics will be periodically taught and assessed by online tests during both Semesters.
In addition, during Semester 1 students will undertake a detailed study of another specified topic at the end of which they will research and write an essay; and during Semester 2 they will be introduced to a further topic, on an aspect of which they will undertake directed research and prepare a presentation. These topics may vary from year to year, and will be defined by reference to current textbooks. Examples of topics would include: the history of English, World Englishes, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, semantics, language change, prosody, literacy.
Weekly seminars will combine tutor input with practical exercises and with discussion arising from guided preparation. Additional support, learning exercises, audio-visual and other resources will be provided via Moodle and the LibraryWeb.
Contact hours: 40
Intended Group size: 25
Guided independent study (Balancing figure)
Hours: 160
Further details relating to assessment
A pass must be gained in all three elements of assessment for the award of credits.