SHN6642 - Eating Disorders/Nutrition and Performance


On completion of the module students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the nature and underlying psychopathology of eating disorders;
2. Critically appraise theoretical explanations for aetiology of eating disorders;
3. Demonstrate an understanding of approaches to diagnosis and therapy;
4. Analyse, report and evaluate a semi-structured interview.
5. Analyse and evaluate dietary intake and nutritional need of participants in a range of activities.
6. Evaluate the role of a range of ergogenic aids and dietary supplements designed for the sports market;
7. Plan diet regimes and give well-informed dietary advice to individuals and groups of participants in a wide range of sport and exercise settings.


The nature of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating syndrome. Psychological, social and cultural theories of the aetiology of eating disorders. Approaches to therapy. Family dynamics. and their role in the aetiology and recovery of sufferers of disordered eating. Ethical considerations.
Energy systems; aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Fat and carbohydrate metabolism during exercise; carbohydrate loading. Food supplements and ergogenic aids. Fluid balance and sports drinks. Nutritional beliefs and attitudes of exercisers and sports performers. Advanced dietary analysis. Dietary management and meal planning for participants in varied settings.

Learning and Teaching Information:

b>Independent study requirements
Background reading 30 hours
Progress reports on tutorial exercises 30 hours
Fieldwork 30 hours
Using the internet/media resources 30 hours
Monitoring of progress>br> Submission of tutorial material.

Contact Hours:12
Number of Groups:1
Contact Hours:12
Number of Groups:1


001 Analysis of interview transcript and report 1 x 2000 words (end of sem 1) 50%
002 Dietary analysis report for a performer 1 x 2000 words 50%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Dr Lourdes Santos-Merx
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - YL