PPE4013 - Child Development in Practice


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of key theory related to child development
Identify developmental milestones in personal, emotional, physical and cognitive development
Demonstrate an awareness of how professionals can use observations, data gathering and interaction with parents to support the development of children and the families and carers raising them
Evaluate the development of children within their setting, how they plan for future development opportunities and how they utilize their growing understanding of child development to evaluate needs


This module introduces students to a range of relevant child development theory related to personal, social, physical and cognitive development in children 0-8 years. Key milestones are identified and debated from the various theoretical perspectives. Students then evaluate their own setting and the children within it, mapping development against the key stages or aspects of theory.

The module will include a study of:
• Theorists such as Bruce, Bruner, Piaget, Laevers, Vygotsky, Kohlberg, Erikson and their key theoretical contributions to an understanding of early childhood
• Inhibitors to development including social, physical, emotional and environmental factors
• Ways in which early years professionals work together to support child development

Learning and Teaching Information:

Learning will take place in interactive sessions incorporating theoretical input, discussion, debate, ICT research and student presentation. Students will be supported by VLE materials, constructed reading and research tasks and workshop sessions.

Contact hours 36

Contact hours 1


001 Evaluation report 3000 words (mid module) 50%
002 Poster presentation 2000 word equiv. & 10 minute 50%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ms Sarah Trussler
Level - 4
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - YL