MJO18013 - Professional Journalism Practices and Responsibilities (Print)


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1 Demonstrate an understanding of and critically evaluate news values and news agenda in the United Kingdom
2 Identify and critically evaluate news and sources
3 Develop working relationships with sources
4 Demonstrate competences in researching, evaluating and gathering information
5 Demonstrate proficiency in news writing by type of format and length
6 Demonstrate proficiency in accessing and processing information via electronic means
7 Demonstrate proficiency in accurate and comprehensive note-taking


Exercises and instruction in the following:-
Spotting a news story or angle; prioritising news items and constructing the news agenda; researching; cultivating news sources; analysing complex information; data-accessing and extraction from the internet; teamwork and organisation of the news production process; telling a story with words, by prespecified length and by deadline; critically evaluating and being able to construct alternative narrative structures; story genre; house styles; target audience writing; interview in person, by phone and in press conferences; accurate and comprehensive note-taking.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Group workshops, structured upon introductory lectures and group or individualised exercises, either at college workstations or outside of college. Regular and frequent tutor feedback on work produced, conducted in individual and in group sessions.

Contact hours: 30
Number of Groups: 1

Tutorials (individual)
Contact hours: 5
Number of Groups: 24

Contact hours: 180


001 Portfolio 1 x 3000 words 50%
002 Shorthand Exam 1 x 2000 word equivalent 50%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ms Susan Pape
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - S2