MFC6052 - Television Broadcast Journalism


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1 demonstrate a systematic understanding of key aspects of television broadcast journalism;
2 demonstrate practical skills relevant to the production of artefacts appropriate to this genre;
3 critically evaluate the production process and the finished product;
4 demonstrate understanding of the concept of quality industry standards in news programming.


The module provides a wide ranging examination of television broadcast news formats. It examines the relative merits of broadcast journalism bulletins in terms of content, story focus, sources expertise, relevance, number of sources used and viewpoint. It also explores current theoretical debates about quality and quantity, dumbing down and journalistic independence.
Throughout the module students engage in the production of television news items.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Contact hours: 20
Number of Groups: 1

Contact hours: 16
Number of Groups: 1

Additional Assessment information
The Portfolio will normally include a group-produced 3-minute video news piece and an individual evaluative report. The detailed requirements of the Portfolio will be published in the module handbook.

Students must complete and submit all forms of assessment to be eligible to pass the module

Not available as a half-module.

In the event of resit, the student will negotiate with the module co-ordinator to agree an appropriate production project and resolve issues of access to equipment.


001 Video News Piece 1 x 3 minutes (end of sem 1) 25%
002 Group Presentation 1 x 20 mins (during sem 1 or 2) 25%
003 Portfolio 1 x 2500 word equiv. (end of sem 2) 50%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - PRS_CODE=
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - JOU 5102 OR MFC 5042 OR EQUIVALENT
Semester(s) Offered -