JOU5922 - Practical Journalism 2: Specialist Reporting


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1 Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the range of specialist reporting fields
2 Demonstrate a critical understanding of how style and content relate to target markets or readerships
3 Demonstrate the ability to generate, develop and research ideas
4 Apply written and online practical journalism skills within a specialist context
5 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the art of layout, design and sub-editing


Students will examine key areas of specialist reporting such as health, business, education and entertainment through formative and summative practical exercises in class in both semesters.
Students will be introduced to the practicalities of layout ushing industry standard software and the latter part of Semester 2 will include a six week block where the entire Level 2 cohort (Specialist Reporting and Sports Writing) will combine to lay out some of their written work (as individuals) on QuarkXpress.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Contact hours: 10
Number of groups:50

Contact hours:10
Number of groups: 25

Contact hours: 20
Number of Groups: 25


001 Portfolio 1 x 2000 words (end of sem 1) 50%
002 Portfolio 1 x 2000 words (end of sem 2) 50%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Mrs Deidre O'Neill
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - YL