EDS6002 - Diversity & Inclusion: Education for all?


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1 Critically evaluate views related to inclusion, integration and segregation in relation to cultural, social, disability, behavioural issues
2 Evaluate the impact of educational settings and practices in relation to inclusion of each child
3 Critically review a range of case studies related to inclusion issues


In this module students are expected to engage with key issues related to inclusion including the effects on individuals with additional needs and those with whom they are learning in mainstream settings.

Key themes include:
• Identifying common conditions included under the category of SEN and how these may be manifest in a learning context
• Impact of labelling on children, adults, society and education
• Impact of learning environments on those with individual needs
• Issues of transition into different settings and into FE, HE or work

Learning and Teaching Information:

Learning will take place in interactive sessions incorporating theoretical input, discussion, debate, ICT research and student presentation. Students will be supported by VLE materials, constructed reading and research tasks and workshop sessions.

Lecture, seminar and workshops
Contact hours: 40


001 Case study review 1 x 2000 words (sem 1) 50%
002 Essay 1 x 2000 words (sem 2) 50%

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Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ms Sarah Trussler
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - YL