On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1 demonstrate critical awareness of the processes involved in carrying out and writing up research on a specific topic in Victorian Studies whether this results in an essay for an option module; an extended essay, a research report or a dissertation.
2 engage an appropriate range of theoretical approaches and research methodologies to systematically locate, use and critically analyse primary sources or literature for research in Victorian Studies.
3 sustain a sophisticated written argument which evaluates and develops critiques of relevant historiography, literature or literary theory.
4 use appropriate high-level research methodologies and historical or literary evidence
5 plan an advanced research project in Victorian Studies
This module explores the theoretical and methodological approaches required to research Victorian Studies in an interdisciplinary way. Sessions will explore factors such as how to produce a secondary bibliography, read and write about theoretical approaches to Victorian Studies, locate, use and analyse sources for research – whether these are historical or literary sources. In addition to this there will be a number of sessions on literary theory, approaches to analysing Victorian Art and Architecture, and the Victorians’ writings on themselves.
Small group seminars; workshops and seminar papers. Students will provide a short presentation on the topic they plan to research and how they will carry out this research.
Seminars / workshops
Contact hours: 6 x 2 hours
Individual tutorials
Contact hours: 20 mins for each student