On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate organisational and negotiation skills associated with organisation of a conference/learning event
2. Synthesise the key aspects of developing workplace wellbeing throughout the duration of the FdA
3. Present a critical reflection upon the benefits and challenges represented by a workplace wellbeing focus
The key aspect of this final module will be the organisation of a conference/event that showcases the wellbeing interventions that have taken place in the workplace. Students will draw together all key stakeholders – directors, managers, employees, trades union representatives, HR and Occupational Health along with external bodies such as Union Learn, TUC, Chamber of Commerce, local education authority, public health bodies. Using their reflective learning journals students will highlight the process of developing workplace wellbeing, including opportunities and challenges. Presenting the compelling arguments for workplace wellbeing to strategic-level decision-makers to encourage organisational change.
Blend of lecture-led sessions supported by seminars.
Independent study to include research, reading and weekly work-based learning tasks.
Documenting and evaluating within personal learning journal.
Lectures & Seminars
Contact hours 27
Work-based learning tasks
Contact hours 27